Whatsapp Cloud API : Send Messages from PYTHON

Send Messages from PYTHON

WhatsApp Cloud API: How to Send WhatsApp Messages from Python


Overview of WhatsApp Cloud API

WhatsApp has introduced its cloud-based API services, enabling developers globally to create custom dashboards and streamline interactions for businesses of all sizes. This development opens up new possibilities for integrating WhatsApp services as a backend API in various applications.

Importance for Developers and Businesses

For developers, this API offers a powerful tool to enhance customer communication and service delivery. Businesses can leverage this to improve user engagement, automate responses, and provide real-time support.

Objective of the Tutorial

This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of setting up and using the WhatsApp Cloud API to send messages from Python. By the end of this guide, you will be able to send text and image messages using a simple Python script.

Setting Up the Environment


Before diving into the setup, ensure you have the following:

  • Python installed on your machine.
  • Access to a Facebook Developer account.

Installing Necessary Python Packages

To interact with the WhatsApp API, we need the heyoo package.

For Windows:

pip install --upgrade heyoo

For Linux/MAC:

pip3 install --upgrade heyoo

Getting Access Credentials

Creating a Facebook Developer App

  1. Navigate to Facebook Developer and log in.
  2. Click on “My Apps” in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Create App” and choose the type of app suitable for your needs.

Choosing the Right App Type

Select the “Business” type and click “Next”.

Providing Application Information

Fill in the required details such as app name, email ID, and optionally a business account. Click “Create App”.

Confirming App Creation

Re-enter your password for confirmation and press “Submit” to finalize app creation.

Configuring WhatsApp API

Setting Up WhatsApp

Scroll down to the WhatsApp section and click on the “Setup” button.

Retrieving Access Token and Phone Number ID

On the setup page, you will receive the access token and phone number ID. Verify your phone number by entering the OTP received.

Writing the Python Script

Importing the WhatsApp API Package

from heyoo import WhatsApp

Initializing the WhatsApp Messenger

messenger = WhatsApp('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN', phone_number_id='YOUR_PHONE_NUMBER_ID')

Sending Text Messages

messenger.send_message('Hello, I am WhatsApp Cloud API', 'RECIPIENT_PHONE_NUMBER')

Sending Images




Practical Applications

Customer Service Integration

Integrate the WhatsApp API with your customer service systems to provide instant responses and support to customers.

Building Custom Dashboards

Develop custom dashboards that leverage the WhatsApp API to manage and monitor customer interactions efficiently.

AI and Automation

Use the API for AI-driven applications such as sending automated reports and images for anomaly detection in computer vision projects.


Summary of Key Points

This tutorial covered the setup and usage of the WhatsApp Cloud API for sending messages from Python. We explored the steps to create a Facebook Developer app, retrieve access credentials, and write Python scripts for sending text and image messages.

Further Resources

For more detailed information, refer to the Facebook Developer documentation and the Heyoo GitHub repository.

Try out the WhatsApp Cloud API for your projects and explore its potential to enhance your applications.


Find all the answers to your confusion

Q: What is the WhatsApp Cloud API?

A: The WhatsApp Cloud API allows developers to integrate WhatsApp messaging capabilities into their applications, enabling automated and scalable communication solutions.

Q: Do I need a Facebook Developer account to use the WhatsApp Cloud API?

A: Yes, you need a Facebook Developer account to create an app and obtain the necessary credentials like the access token and phone number ID.

Q: Can I send multimedia messages using the WhatsApp Cloud API?

A: Yes, you can send various types of messages, including text, images, and more, using the API.

Q: Is the heyoo package the only option for interacting with the WhatsApp API in Python?

A: While heyoo is a popular choice, there are other libraries and methods available for interacting with the WhatsApp API in Python.

Q: How secure is the data sent through the WhatsApp Cloud API?

All data is transmitted through WhatsApp's servers, ensuring it is fast and secure. However, be mindful of the data privacy policies and terms of service.

Ready to integrate WhatsApp into your Business?

Take your customer communication to the next level by implementing the WhatsApp Cloud API. If you have any questions or need further assistance

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